The Energy Leadership Index

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Forbes had an article on the 11 assessments every executive should take. The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment was on that list! Have you taken it?

Knowing your energy levels is very important. It’s not woo-woo, even though without really understanding it, it can seem that way.

In my coaching practice, I work with executive level management and high potential employees on this assessment and debrief them on the results.

It’s simple really. The assessment measures how involved or engaged a person is in their role and tasks on the job and at home.

It also measures potential leadership ability by their level of consciousness - their awareness about who they are and what life is about.

Studies prove that higher levels of consciousness are associated with higher levels of success in life, including success in finances, relationships, personal development, achievement and more.

This is an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based test, like many you are used to taking. It’s worth your time to try this out and the results could be the gamechanger.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Energy Leadership Index Assessment

Level 7