How to Become Your Best Self


Anne is busy. She works 40 hours a week and has young children at home. She wants to find time to get to the gym and explore new options with her job, but she can barely find time to get regular life expectations done. She is running the kids to activities and working on the weekends just to stay caught up with the office.

Tom is busy. He is close to retirement and trying to figure out what’s next. He wants time with his kids and grandkids, but he needs to continue to bring in an income. He craves travel and the next chapter, but he also wants to continue working on his passions.

Sam is busy. She wants to get back to her painting, maybe even sell some prints online, but she is taking care of her elderly parents and working full-time. She doesn’t do anything for herself and she loves helping, but she wants to get more involved with her community, so she can meet some new friends that are like-minded.

Do you identify with one of these fictional people? Or can you write a similar story in your own life? Mind, body, spirit - we all need coaching in these three areas to help us, no matter what our situation.

If you feel like something is being left out of your already busy life and you want to fit it in with clarity and ease, let’s chat.

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